
Monday, June 28, 2010

Our Adoption

I have been so encouraged by reading John Piper's "Adoption, the Heart of the Gospel". I have decided to post a little at a time. I think it is very challenging and worth the time to REALLY think about. (I think easier in small doses.)

He discusses our adoption by our heavenly Father and its similarities to earthly adoptions. I hope that you take the time to read it and really ponder over your adoption into the kingdom of God!

Eight Similarities

What I would like to do is lay out eight similarities between what God did in adoption and what happens in a Christian adoption today. I pray that whether you have adopted, or are engaged in assisting adoptions, or are pondering an adoption, God will use these comparisons to heighten your confidence that God is graciously involved in our adoptions. He has done it himself. He knows what it costs. And he stands ready to support us all the way to the end.

1. Adoption was (for God) and is (for us) costly.

When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. (Galatians 4:4-5)

To redeem means to obtain or to set free by paying a price. What was the price that God paid for our liberation and adoption? In the previous chapter, we heard the answer: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (Galatians 3:13). It cost God the price of his Son’s life.

There are huge costs in adopting children. Some are financial; some are emotional. There are costs in time and stress for the rest of your life. You never stop being a parent till you die. And the stresses of caring about adult children can be as great, or greater, than the stresses of caring for young children. There is something very deep and right about the embrace of this cost for the life of a child!

Few things bring me more satisfaction than seeing a culture of adoption flourish at Bethlehem. It means that our people are looking to their heavenly Father for their joy rather than rejecting the stress and cost of children in order to maximize their freedom and comforts. When people embrace the pain and joy of children rather than using abortion or birth control simply to keep children away, the worth of Christ shines more visibly. Adoption is as far as possible from the mindset that rejects children as an intrusion. Praise God for people ready to embrace the suffering—known and unknown. God’s cost to adopt us was infinitely greater than any cost we will endure in adopting and raising children.

Here I am pondering John Piper's words on adoption sporting my "got love?" gear!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

And the winner is...

LISA! We were hoping to do fun pictures and a big ta do, but we are in the midst of boxes, bags, piles, heaps, stacks of yard sale treasures donated from friends to raise money for our church's adoption and foster care, support ministry, Loved By Choice. (I am sure many of you can understand because I bet you did yard sales to raise money, too.) I want to share about this ministry and all God has been doing with it.....but tonight is not the night!!

So a big thank you to all who commented, encouraged, and joined us this week. (I thought it was fun that Lisa won b/c she was our first follower, besides family!) Lisa...send me an email with your choice of mug or tote and an address.

Hoping my next post will have some challenging thoughts and fun pictures from the weekend!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Give Away Post

I have been looking forward to doing this post! I have seen other give aways and am excited to do one. Here's how it works: this week become a follower or leave me a comment with your name and on Friday morning we will put all the names in a bowl and pick a winner. I will post the winner's name Friday evening and you can let me know if you would like a "got love?" travel mug or tote bag. It is that us spread the word!!

"Sometimes I would like to ask God, why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world, when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question." Anonymous

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The cost of adoption

from 'Adoption, the Heart of the Gospel' by John Piper

"God's cost to adopt us was infinitely greater than any cost we will endure in adopting and raising children."

More of Mr. Piper's wise words to the mean time did you see the mugs and bags we are selling to help bring our child home? We have had some very encouraging, thank you!

~On Monday, check in for your chance to win a "got love?" travel mug or tote!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The wait is over

For all of you that have been on the edge of your seats pondering day and night what it takes to adopt....your wait is over!! I think everyone, whether you have adopted or not, know how long and detailed the process is. It does take a lot of things..I don't in anyway want to minimize that.

CALLING--I would venture to say the first thing you would need was a calling from the Lord, who is true and active in the lives of His children. Is every person called to adopt? I don't think so, but I do think that more believers ARE and miss it. How are we loving our neighbor when so many of them are hungry, sad and lonely? Are we forgetting to care for the fatherless? Get real with the Lord and don't be afraid to ask him.."do you desire for me to adopt?" GOT A CALLING?

MONEY--That one is no secret, but neither is the fact that the Lord will fund what He has called you to. He cares for you and will continually provide for your needs. (That may not include all those "wants" that we have.) GOT TRUST?

TIME AND PATIENCE FOR PAPERWORK, APPTS., ETC--We make time in our lives for what we see as important. The mounds of paperwork and requirements slowly dwindle and get done. GOT A NOTARY?

~And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1Cor 13:13
~For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish by have eternal life. John 3:16

got love?
147 million orphans

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stay tuned..

The business of life isn't allowing us to get our pictures posted tonight. Wednesday should be the day!! So, what does it take?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

So, what does it take?

We are getting ready to spread the message of adoption!! Will you join us?? Our fundraising items are supposed to arrive on Monday. I can't wait to post pictures of them. I will leave you with a few hints: The message lets the world know what you need to have in order to adopt! Any ideas? I can tell some things it is NOT: a huge home with empty bedrooms, an overflowing bank account...

Check back late Monday or Tuesday to find out what it is. We will also be doing a GIVE AWAY post next week!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Before you sleep....

I came across this video on another blog. It really got me thinking and praying. Bedtime at our house, although sometimes a bit crazy, ends so peacefully....all four children dressed in their soft jammies, snug in their beds with a lovie or doll, not too cold and not too hot, safe, sleeping peacefully. They will wake (hopefully in their bed, after 7 am) in their bedrooms shared with a sibling and welcome in another day of clean water, plenty of yummy food, toys, books and snuggles from their daddy and mommy and siblings, too!!

Can I even imagine one of them going to bed alone? Hungry? Scared? Wondering what troubles tomorrow may bring? NO!!! It makes my heart hurt to think that they would ever suffer that way! What about that 147 million? Who hurts for their lonely souls? Who cares if they are safe and comfy? Who cares if they are loved?

You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless...Psalm 10 17-18

May our hearts break for the orphan. Will you seriously pray tonight for the Lord's direction for your family, to join Him in encouraging, listening to their cry and defending the fatherless?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

What a great weekend we had! Three days filled with family and lake activities. My parents live on a lake about an hour and a half from our house. It really is one of my kids' favorite places. The water was warm enough for swimming and Lindsey was so proud to be in the lake swimming "all by self"! (look at that smile, which she held the whole time she was in!)

The sun and swimming wore the girls out!!!

The weekend ended with our traditional Memorial Day Heritage Hall of my favorite things is running races with my dad and now my oldest, Ethan!! I am SO proud of their running abilities!!

Hope you all had a nice, sunny weekend where ever you are!! Can't wait to share our fundraising items with you all....hopefully by next week!!