
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Last Orders are out and New Orders are starting!

Ben had a great math lesson yesterday in estimating, adding and graphing (we homeschool) as we prepared the last group of orders to be sent to the printers this morning. If you haven't ordered and would still like to, we will take orders up until April 22. Shirts will be delivered to you in time for Mother's day.

All you mothers out there...drop the hint, give dads our blog and have a new shirt to celebrate YOUR special day in!

As we worked on school yesterday and shirt orders, what do you think the girls were doing? I'll give you a hint:

What can children do for hours without ever touching the ground???

Did you notice in the first picture the two EMPTY baby swings? I think I spent about 2 years of my life out there pushing the girls in those swings. Oh, how I am hoping there is a sweet little body to fill that swing this summer!!


  1. Looks like you guys have nice weather:) It has been raining here... A LOT!!! I am so ready for summer.

  2. That would be so awesome if your little peep is home this summer!

  3. Love homeschool!!!! (we have 5 days left!)
