
Monday, March 14, 2011

7 months down!

I have officially entered my third trimester...of waiting! Come on, little one!


  1. My first thought when I read that was, "WAIT! Did I miss something?"

    :)ha ha

  2. Around the time we were HSTK I signed up for one of those sites where you get baby coupons and you had to enter a due date. I put March 31. This week I got an email saying I'm 37 weeks. I said "Yay! 37 weeks can be considered full term! Come on referral!" LOL. Our time is coming. Keeping you in my prayers!

  3. YAY!!! So excited for ya'll!!!

  4. Awesome! Today is one day closer to seeing your baby. In China, we say "Jia You!" It means "add oil" and is the phrase you hear at all sporting events to encourage the participants to keep going!! So....jia you, jia you!!!

  5. So glad to see you in your 3rd trimester already!! I must say though that I am due NOW.....9 months on the 17th, and I am ready for it to be over!! LOL As I try to remind myself, in HIS time not mine :) By the way, are you going to be ordering anymore of the Got Love tshirts in color anytime soon? We are taking family pics on the weekend of Easter at the beach and thought it would be nice if we could all have one for our photo op! Thanks
