
Monday, July 25, 2011

A bit of Italy

We spent the weekend at a family reunion: a very Italian family reunion! It was a great time of stories (Tim's dad parents came straight over on a boat from Italy in the early 1900s) surrounded by tables of food....REAL Italian food. We enjoyed all kinds of pastas, pizza, and desserts!

Here I am, sitting at the bar fixing Lindsey's hair. Keep in mind this was for breakfast. A authentic Italian breakfast at "The Italian Home".
(Send that one to our home study agency! Ha!!)
We were watching the boys and some relatives play on a bowling that Tim played on as a boy.
We ventured outside for a Bocce tournament.
The day ended with a back yard gathering where the kids quickly made friends and got to run around.
Sunday morning we returned for a family picture and good-byes before starting out on our long trek home.
Tim's dad with his four children, spouses and grand children (2 not pictured)

The reunion letter that was sent out this past spring ended with a neat quote from Anthony Brandt:

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."


  1. Perfect quote...because it is so true!!! Glad you had another family fun weekend. Laughing at the thought of you sending that picture in for your homestudy. Funny lady!!!

  2. Sounds like a fun family...and yes...I vote your SW see's that picture!

    Brooke Annessa

  3. What a great quote! How true it is!!!
    Timothy would love to make a guest appearance on your blog! I can send you some of the pix I took of him sipping from one of your AMAZING cups and you could pick. They truly are great cups and I take mine everywhere! I was so excited when I ran out the door to the dentist yesterday with the kids and I quickly poured my coffee into it, only to discover a half hour later it was still warm!!!! I really need to order more cuz everyone loves them!!!

  4. Love the pictures. Looks like a great time!
