
Monday, May 16, 2011

blog joke

How many fundraisers can you fit on one blog?

*"What is good?" Micah 6:8 t-shirts
*"got love?" t-shirts
*beach/pool bags
*car decals
*multicolored Ugandan magazine necklaces
*Katie's red dirt road Ugandan necklaces
*travel mugs
*cotton totes
*handmade tutus

As many as it takes.


  1. LOVE it!!! Jody and I have been amazed by all the creative ways that God has used to provide for us to bring Caroline Faith home too...the list is a lot like that! :)

  2. Amen! We get to shop for some wicked cool stuff and you get to bring your little cutie home! All in the name of there being one less! Love that!
